30th of September 2021… Thursday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is purnavasu.
In the evening moon will come in cancer
Your study room should be in Norht, North east or North West side.
Your face should be always to East, North or North West side. Backside should be a wall but not a window, front side window is wonderful and roof should be light, not much heavy things on the roof.
For good concentration you can take some brahmi – it supports concentration and mental power and it gives you self confidence and inner peace.
My friends I wish you a lovely day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
29th of September 2021… Wednesday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is adraa.
Moon is in gemini
Never use black colour in kitchen, you can use red colour pulp in kitchen. If kitchen is not in the right direction, so the women of the house will be always unhappy.
South East direction is best for kitchen.
Cardamom, fennel and anise are very good spices for strengthen the digestive power. So after the meal you should chew a pit of the mixture of all three. It will give you fresh breath and good digestive power.
My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
28th of September 2021… Tuesday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is mrigashira.
Moon is in gemini
All the fire things and all the electronic equiptment should be in South East side because South East side is the fire side
Kitchen should be in South East side as well- it will bring very good energy.
Vitamin C is very important in this season for example amla fruit is high of vitamin C
My friends have a nice time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
27th of September 2021… Monday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is rohini
Moon will be in taurus.
According to Vastu you should not put any picture of a wild animal or of people who passed away already. Better you put a picture of Radha and Krishna or some romantic picture of yourself as a couple.
In Ayurveda we use turmeric a lot, for cooking and as a medicine as well. One very simple but very beneficial use of turmeric is – mix one spoon of turmeric with honey in times of throat pain, sore throat- it will be helpful immediatly.
My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
26th of September 2021… Sunday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is krittika
Moon will be in taurus
If you want to make the master bedroom so it should be in South – South West side is good and leg should be in North side.
It is good for mental peace and good sleep. And Head should be in South or West side.
Never put a mirror in the bed room because you should not see your body in the night.
Ginger and lalicorice are both very good against coughing and cold.Ginger is recuding fever and stabilise the immunsystem and licorice is beneficial for immune system as well and is good against coughing. Make a tea of both of them and drink 1-2 cups during the day.
My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
25th of September 2021…Saturday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is bharni
When you make your Yoga centre, your meditation place or your praying place, your pooja place so it should be in North , North East side- it is the best direction according Vastu.
The pooja place should never be on the roof, it should be on the ground but if you are living in higher floor so it should be in North- East direction as well but bed room should not be there because both energies disturb each other. Pooja place, the colour can be white or pink colour.
Pooja place should not be under the stairs or in the basement.
Fenugreek is very beneficial herb as well, in Sankrit the name is meethi, methika. This herbal is very beneficial as well and useful for many thigns for example good against fever and coughing, strengthen the nervous systems, helps growing the hair, lowers blood sugar level etc. But do not eat too much during pregnancy time.
My friends I wish you a lightful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
24th of September 2021… Friday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is ashwani
When you make the toilet in the home be careful about it- because toilet and shower should not be together – if possible avoid it- it is like moon and rahu together because toilet is rahu and shower is moon energy- when they go together so it bring lots of fighting in the home.
During shower time, your face should be North or East side and in toilet, your face should be to South side- if possible.
Try to make shower and toilet in different space
And if you make a bathtub- so your legs should not be in South direction
Tulsi is one of the most important healing plants and herbs in Ayurveda and Indian culture. In Sanskrit the name is Tulsi and it belongs to Basil family. It is a very holy herb and it has many benefits for human beings. For example it clears the mind, it reduces the stress, it strengthen the immu system, it is good against cold and brinchitis etc.
My friends I wish you a wonderful time full of love and joy take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
23rd of September 2021… Thursday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is revati
According the Vastu you should make some little garden, infront of the main down – you should put some neem, amla, mango trees or any other nice trees. Especielly you should put some tusli tree which can take all negative energy from the home.
In Ayurveda we use a lot fennel, anise spice and cumin – these 3 spices are very favourable for good digestive system and all of them relieve gas. They also calm nerves, inhibit inflammations and regulate intestinal flora…so all of them are very beneficial.
My friends have a nice time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
22nd of September 2021… Wednesday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is revati.
Why we say North or East side face is good- because sun is rising from East side so good energy is coming in your door.
Why we say North side is good – because from North pol very holy, nice silent energy is living, so if your door is in North side, always this good energy is coming in your home.
As we mentioned already several times, oiling the nostrils is very important for moisturizing- Vata element will go down and it brings good sleep etc.
It is very beneficial in the autuum and winter season and especielly now during this time- it is good stop avoid any kind of cold and sniffles.
My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek.
From Msihrapuri Panchang amde by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
21st of September 2021…Tuesday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra us uttara padhrapadha.
Here now the Vastu tipp.
For the door of the house, for the main door, avoid any kind of dragon, lion etc…make some beautiful picture like Ganesha, Krishna picture or make some holy simple according your religion. It will bring good energy in your home.
Ayurveda tipp:Aloe Vera, well know for most of the people, Sanksrit name is Kumari, is a wonderful herb and mainly the juice of it, is very benefical.
Aloe Vera is used for many things for example for cosmetics, for shampoos etc. – it has so many benefits – it is rich of vitamins, minerals, trace elements etc.
It is very helpful for little burns because it supports the wound healing.
My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
20th of September 2021… Monday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshatra is purva padrabadha.
The coming 15 days the ancestor ceremony will happen so it is a great time for doing poojas for the ancestors.
This day, purnima, we remember especielly the grandparents or great grand parents- so this day give some food in the name of your grandparents- if you give this all negative energy will go away from your house. So these days ancestors coming in your home and give something to them- so every thiti we remeber the ancestors.
During these 15 days I will give you some Vastu tipp because these days are not good for starting new things.
The door in the house should be North or East face, North East or North West is possible as well but never make the main door in South, South East or South West side- it is really not good for your energy.
Have a nice time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
19th of September 2021… Sunday and the thiti is charturdashi and triodashi will not come this time, nakshatra is sadbisha.
Moon will be in aquarius.
It is anand charturdashi. Ananda means infinte, you worship of infinte, this is only God. You can worship of Vishnu especielly if you have any problems in the brain, mind.
My friends I wish you a great day full of divine blessings.
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
18th of September 2021… Saturday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is danistha
Moon is still in capricorn
It is Pradosh for Shiva and Parvarti
It is not a good day for buying wood and it will be 5 days long, so avoid buying wood the coming 5 days.
It is a good day for cleaning the stomach and for fasting.
My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
17th of September 2021… Friday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is shravan.
Moon will be in capricorn
It is a good day for fasting for Vishnu and for worshipping of Vishnu and Krishna.
It is a good day for getting blessing of Vishnu and Krishna.
My friends I wish you a lovely time full of joy and fun take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
16th of September 2021… Thursday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is uttara ashadha
Moon will be in capricorn after 11:00am
Sun will come in virgo
It is a good day for work with people
It is a good day for helping people who have eyes problems for example you can give eye drops or glasses etc
.My friends have a nice time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
15th of September… Wednesday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is purva ashadha
Moon will be in saggitarius
It is great day to read old books.
My friends I wish you a wonderful bright day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr.Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India.
14th of September 2021…Tuesday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is jyestha and mula.
Moon will be in saggitarius and Jupiter become retrograde.
And this day Radha was born. People who have problems in relationship can worhsip of Radha.
People who are gemini, sorpcio or leo moon sign can face some problems.Taurus, capricorn, cancer or libra moon sign will have good nice energy.
All other moon signs will have neutral time.
My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
13th of September 2021… Monday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is anuradha.
Moon will be in scorpio
If you trying to get pregnant from long time so this day you can worship of Goddess and you can bath in ganga- I m sure you will be pregnant- for more informations about worshipping please write me directly.
My friends lots of love and light for all of you take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
12th of September 2021… Sunday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is vishaka
Moon will be in scorpio
It is surya saarsti- it is a good day for fasting and worshipping of sun-for example if you have eyes, skin, migrane problems etc. and if sun generally is not good in your chart – so if you really want to fast and worship of sun please contact me and I will tell you how to do it.
My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
11th of September 2021….Saturday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is swati
Moon will be in libra.
It is Rishi Panchmi so it is a good day for remembering all Rishis who gave us all great knowledge.
My friends I wish you a great day full of joy take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
10th of September 2021… Friday and the thiti is charturthi and the nakshatra is chittra.
Moon will be in libra.
This day we totally avoid looking the moon because the moon energy is not so favourable so please avoid looking the moon- some gossip can come on you.
My friends have a nice time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
9th of September 2021… Thursday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is hasta.
Moon will be in virgo
People who follow the shamved they celebrate Raksha Bandhan this day.
My friends have a wonderful time full of love and joy take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
8th of September 2021…Wednesday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni
Moon will be in virgo
It is a very good day for bathing in the ganga, It is a good day for putting a picture of Ganesha in your home.
This time the waxing moon period- the name of this 15 days is Bhadbad shukla patj- is only 13 days not 15 days as usual. So this is not so good. Avoid travelling, marriages and engaments after that period no problem.
It is a great period for pooja especielly for Shiva, Ganesha pooja. It is a great time for meditation and spiritual practise as well.
My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
7th of September 2021… Tuesday and the thiti is amavashya and the nakshatra is purva phalguni
Moon will be in leo
It is a good day for doing some ceremonies for the ancestors
It is a good day for bathing in the ganga as well
My friends have a nice time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
6th of September 2021… Monday and the thiti is charturdhashi and the nakshatra is maagha.
Moon will be in leo.
It is a good day for amavashya.
It is good day to go to a special place and take some gras- kusha and keep it in the home and use it for pooja.
My friends I wish you a lovely time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
5th of September 2021…Sunday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is ashlesha
Moon will come cancer and venus will be in libra so very good time for people who are libra sign. Mars will come in virgo sign as well- it will be very good for scorpio people.
My friends I wish you a wonderful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
4th of September 2021… Saturday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra ia pushya.
Moon will be in cancer
It is a very good day for starting new things and for starting new medicine as well.
My friends I wish you a healthy and peaceful time with lots of joy take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
3rd of September 2021… Friday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is purnavasu
It is a good day to worship of Krishna and Vishnu
And the star of August is rising so from that moment not much rain any more. Slowly rain season is stopping.
My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
2nd of September 2021…Thursday and the thiti is dashmi again and the nakshatra is adraa
Moon will be in gemini again
It is a very good day for starting new thingsIt is a good day for travelling as well
My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
1st of September 2021… Wednesday and the thiti is dashmi
Moon will be in gemini
It is a very good day for writing a letter to the parents- it is a good time to tell your things to parents.
My friends have a nice time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India