advice for the day

12th of February 2025… Wednesday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshatra is ashlesha

Moon will be in leo

It is a Great day to bath in Ganga and Prayag

It is a very good day to clean the sin

Sun will come in Aquarius sign and Mercury will be in Aquarius too so very good time for Virgo, Gemini, Leo and Saggitarius people

My Friends I wish you a Great time much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

11th of February 2025… Tuesday and the thiti is charthurdashi and the nakshatra is pushya

Moon will be in cancer

It is a fantastic day for starting new things

It is a good day for planting trees

It is a good day to colouring the home

My Friends have a nice time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

10th of February 2025… Monday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is purnavasu

Moon will be in cancer

It is a good day to start new things

It is a very good day to make good relationship with Mother

It is a good day for doing holy work

My Friends I wish you a Beautiful Day take care

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

9th of February 2025… Sunday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is adraa

Moon will be in Gemini

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day for Wedding and Engagement and for celebrations

My Friends enjoy the time much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

8th of February 2025… Saturday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is mrigashira

Moon will be in Gemini

It so a good day for fasting for Vishnu but avoid starting new things

My Friends enjoy the time Take Care

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

7th of February 2025… Friday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is rohini

Moon will be in Gemini

It is a very good day for starting new things

My Friends have a nice time much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

6th of February 2025... Thursday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is krittika

Moon will be in taurus

Goptnavaarti will be finished

It is a good day to give donation to brahmins and to give food to little girls.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

5th of February 2025... Wednesday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is bharni

Moon will be in taurus

It is a very good day for starting new things

It is a good day for new writing

It is a good day for writing letters.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

4th of February 2025... Tuesday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is ashwani

Moon will be in aries

Jupiter will be direct now

So some good time for spirituality and for some good decisions and for some good solutions.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

3rd of February 2025... Monday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is revati

Moon will be in aries

It is a good day for everything... celebration, meditation, starting new things etc.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

2nd of February 2025... Sunday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is uttara padhrapadha

Moon will be in pisces

It is Pasant Panchmi

It is a very special day to worship Saraswati and Matangi

it is a very good day for wedding, engagement, relationship, for starting new business etc.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

1st of February 2025... Saturday and the thiti is tritya and the nakshatra is purva padhrapadha

Moon will be in pisces

It is a very good day to worship of Parvarti

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for wedding and engagement

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

31st of January 2025… Friday and the thiti is dwitya and the nakshatra is sadbisha

Moon will be in aquarius

It is a Great day to start new things

My Friends have a Beautiful time Take Care

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

30th of January 2025… Thursday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is danistha

Moon will be in aquarius

It is 9 days silent navaartri

Nine days sadhana

Especielly tantric people practise and do Special things during these days

It is a Special time for being connected

My Friends much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

29th of January 2025... Wednesday and the thiti is amavashya and the nakshatra is uttara ashadha and shravan

Moon will be in capricorn

It is a great day for bathing in the Ganga and for bathing in Kumbh Mela as well.

If you cannot go for taking a bath in Ganga so you can give one silver coin to brahmins for cleaning your sins.

It is a very special day for that.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

28th of January 2025... Tuesday and the thiti is chathurdashi and the nakshatra is purva ashadha

Moon will be in capricorn

It is a good day for resting

Avoid starting new things.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

27th of January 2025... Monday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is mula

Moon will be in saggitarius

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day to change the furniture in the home as well.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

26th of January 2025... Sunday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is jyestha

Moon will be in saggitarius

It is the constitution day of India so Indian people will have lots of celebrations and fun.

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

25th of January2025... Saturday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is jyestha

Moon will be in scorpio

It is a good day for fasting and avoid eating rice

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

24th of January 2025… Friday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is anuradha

Moon will be in Scorpio

Mercury will be in capricorn

It is very good for capricorn people and for Business people

My Friends have a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

23rd of January 2025… Thursday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is vishaka

Moon will be in Scorpio

It is a good day to do new things and to work in nature and jungle

My Friends enjoy the time much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

22nd of January 2025… Wednesday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra will be swati

Moon will be in libra

It is a good day for starting new things

Gemini, virgo and aries people should be careful and avoid fighting

My Friends have a nice time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

21st of January 2025… Tuesday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is chitra

Moon will be in libra

Mars will be in Gemini

sorry for the delay

20th of January 2025… Monday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is hasta

Moon will be in virgo

Mercury is coming under horizone so some Communication Problems can appear

My Friends I wish you a lovely day take care

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

19th of January 2025… Sunday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni

Moon will be in virgo

It is a very good day to start new things

It is a great day to spend time with old people or handcapped people - it is a good day to support them

My Friends I wish you a beautiful time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

18th of January 2025… Saturday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is purva phalguni

Moon will be in virgo

It is a very good day to spend time with children and to buy gifts for them

My Friends enjoy the time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

17th of January 2025… Friday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is maghaa

Moon will be in Leo

It is Ganesha charthurthi - it is a good day to keep fasting for Ganesha

Have a great time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

16th of January 2025... Thursday and the thiti is tritya and the nakshatra is ashlesha

Moon will be in leo

It is a very good day to start new things.

It is a good day for travelling and for making plans for new trip.

It is a good day to move in a new place,

My friends have a great time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

15th of January 2025... Wednesday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is pushya,

Moon will be in cancer

It is a special day for starting new medicine and for bathing in the ganga.

My friends enjoy the time all the best

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

14th of January 2025... Tuesday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is purnavasu

Moon will be in cancer sign

Sun is in capricorn

It is a very good day for bathing in the ganga.

My friends have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

13th of January 2025... Monday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshtra is adraa

Moon will be in cancer

From this day the bath in Kumbh Mela is starting which will be very special day and time.

My friends have a great time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

12th of January 2025... Sunday and the thiti is charthurdashi and the nakshatra is mrigashira

Moon will be in Gemini

Rahu and Ketu will come in uttara padhrpadha nakshtra first part so it a special day to work with tantra yoga and kundalini

My friends enjoy the time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

11th of January 2025... Saturday and the thiti is dwadashi and triodashi and the nakshtra is is rohini

Moon will be in Gemini

It is pradosh so very special day to worship Shiva and Parvarti.

My friends I wish you a lovely time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

10th of January 2025... Friday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is krittika

Moon will be in taurus

If you do not have a son so you can keep fasrting today for getting a son.

My friends have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

9th of January 2025... Thursday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is bharni

Moon will be in taurus

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for travelling and for spending time in nature

My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

8th of January 2025... Wednesday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshtra is ashwani

Moon will be in aries

It is a good day to start new work

It is a good day to start new work with your followers

It is a good day to celebrate with your workers.

My friends I wish you a great day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

7th of January 2025... Tuesday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is revati

Moon will be in aries

It is not a good day for buying wood stuff but it is a good day to buy suitcase or curtains

My friends have a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

6th of January 2025... Monday and the thiti saptami and the nakshatra uttara padhrapadha

Moon will be in pisces

It is a special day for Sikh people because their Guru sacrified their children for the nation

My friends have a nice day much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

5th of January 2025... Sunday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is purva padhrapadha

Moon will be in pisces

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day to buy a new TV.

My friends I wish you a beautiful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

4th of January 2025... Saturday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is sadbisha

Moon will be in Aquarius

Mercury will come in Saggitarius- good for Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius, Pisces, Leo

I wish you a great time full of joy take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

3rd of January 2025... Friday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is danistha

Moon will be in Aquarius

It is not a good day to start new things

My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

2nd of January 2025... Thursday and the thiti is tritya and the nakshatra is shravan

Moon will be in capricorn

It is a good day for new writing

My friends have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

1st of January 2025... Wednesday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is uttara ashadha

Moon will be in capricorn

Lots of changing time is coming- Saturn will come in Pisces, Jupiter will come in Gemini, Rahu will come in Pisces... lots of changes in teh whole year.

Eclipse will come

This year will be some ups and downs, some disturbance from nature side, five planets will be in Pisces so some difficulties can come.

My friends I wish you a wonderful healthy year with love and joy, thanks a lot for your support and interest in my work, all the best Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

31st of December 2024... Tuesday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is purva ashadha

Moon will be in capricorn

It will be a strong day - you can make good conenction with your brothers.

My friends have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

30th of December 2024...Monday and the thiti is amavashya and the nakshatra is mula

Moon will be in saggitarius

It is a special day for making ancestor ceremony.

My friends have a nice beautiful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang amde by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

29th of December 2024...Sunday and the thiti is charthurdashi and the nakshatra is jyestha

Moon will be in saggitarius

If you feel shy, you cannot speak infront of other people etc so you can make a special ceremony for opening your chakras mainly the throat can make for each chakra a 3 days ceremony to open all chakras- in total 21 days cermeony...very beneficial.

My friends enjoy the time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang amde by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Hardiwar India

28th of December 2024... Saturday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is anuradha

Moon will be in scoprio

Venus will come in Aquarius sign so it is good for taurus, libra, gemini, aquarius people.

Have a wonderful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

27th of December 2024...Friday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshtra vishaka

Moon will be in scorpio

If you want to win the court case or similar things so a 7 days cereony can be helpful to clean all carma with court cases

My friends i wish you a nice time full of lvoe take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

26th of December 2024... Thursday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is swati

Moon will be in libra

If your family want to travell and things are not going well so you can do Ganesha ceremony for 3 days.

My freinds have a nice time full of joy and grace take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

25th of December 2024... Wednesday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is chitra

Moon will be in libra

Happy merry Christmas and a wonderful time for all of you.

If the boss is making pressure all the time or you are not getting promotion- so you can make 3,7,or 9 daysw ceremony- it can bring better relation beteen you and your boss- it can bring promotion.

My friends have a nice and lovely Christmas celebrations for everyone, much love take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

24th of December 2024... Tuesday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is hasta

Moon will be in libra

If people searching for a good job or not even find a job so people can make Hanuman pooja for three days.

My freinds have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

23rd of December 2024...Monday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni again

Moon will be in virgo

If the husband is very ill or husband and wife do not have good contact between both of them so wife can keep fasting every Monday or wife can worship of Krishna or make Krishna ceremony.

My friends I wish you a great time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

22nd of December 2024... Sunday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni

Moon will be in virgo

If you want to get married but it is not coming so you can worship of Parvarti and you can to uma ceremony- it will be very beneficial for getting a good wife.

My friends enjoy the time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

21st of December 2024… Saturday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is purva phalguni

Moon will be in leo

If you trying to sell out your House but it did not work out for long time so you can make a Vastu pooja

Have a nice time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

20th of December 2024... Friday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is maghaa

Moon will be in leo

If your family is suffering from lots of illnesses so Shiva ceremony can be very good - for nine or seven days.

My friends I wish you a beautiful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

19th of December 2024... Thursday and the thiti is charturthi and the nakshatra is ashlesha

Moon will be in cancer

It is not a good day to start new things

If your child is having concentration problems and not studying very well so you can make pooja for Saraswati.

My friends I wish you a joyful time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

18th of December 2024... Wednesday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is pushya.

Moon will be in cancer

If you have lots of problems and barriers in your life so Ganesha pooja would be very helpful for 3 days.

And as I always tell you oiling the nostrals with sesame oil or almond oil or shad bindu oil will be very effectvie this season- to avoid any cold.

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

17th of December 2024... Tuesday and the thiti is dwitya and the nakshatra is purnavasu

Moon will be in cancer

So this 15 days nothing to do.

If you need money so this days are good for Laxmi ceremony.

My friends have a nice time much love Prateek

16th of December 2024... Monday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is adra

Moon will be in gemini

The coming 15 days are the ancestors ceremonies days in the Winter time- so called posh mas days.

So during these days we are not doing anything new things.

We do not buy new things.

It isa good day for resting.

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

15th of December 2024... Sunday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshatra is mrigashira

Moon will be in gemini

Sun will come in saggitarius

It is a good day for energy and for planning energy

More cold weather will come

My friends have a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

14th of December 2024...Saturday and the thiti is charthurdashi and the nakshatra is rohini

Moon will be in taurus

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day to make better connection with mother

It is a good day for depressed people, for people who have suicidal tendences to make meditation- it will be very good for them.

My friends I wish you a great time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Hardiwar India

13th of December 2024… Friday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is bharni and krittika

Moon will Taurus

Mercury will come Upper horizone

It is good for Gemini and virgo

It is good for Health, Communication and generell for betterment

My Friends enjoy the time much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

12th of December 2024… Thursday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is ashwani

Moon will be in aries

It is a very good day to start new things

It is a good day to buy plants and bed sheets etc

My Friends I wish you a lovely time Take Care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

11th of December 2024... Wednesday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is revati

Moon will be in aries

It is a very good day to start new things

It is a good day for fasting for Vishnu

My friends have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

10th of December 2024… Tuesday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is uttara padrapadha

Moon will be in pisces

It is a good day to make Investment for buying some property

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day to start Court cases

My Friends have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

9th of December 2024… Monday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is purva padhrapadha

Moon will be pisces

It is the Perfect day to start new things

It is a very good for doing Body work and getting Massages

It is a good day for buying things in the market

My Friends I wish you a wonderful day Take Care

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

8th of December 2024… Sunday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is sadbisha

Moon will be in aquarius

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day to make celebrations and to invite people in your Home as well

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

7th of December 2024… Saturday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is danistha

Moon will be in Aquarius

It is a very good for Wedding and Engagement

It is a good day to make new Friends as well

My Friends have a nice time take care

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

6th of December 2024… Friday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is Shravan

Moon will be in capricorn

Mars will be retrograde

It is a not good day for starting body work

This retrograde Mars will not be good for Gemini, Saggitarius, Aries and Scorpio

My Friends I wish you a great time much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

5th of December 2024… Thursday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is uttara ashadha

Moon will be in capricorn

It was not a good day to start new things

My Friends sorry for the missing Parts

Have a nice time

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

3rd and 4th of December …was missing sorry for that

2nd of December 2024... Monday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is jyestha

Moon will be in Saggitarius

It is a good day to start court case

Venus will come in Capricorn sign it is good for capricorn, taurus, libra, virgo, gemini

My friends I wish you a beautiful day much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

1st of December 2024... Sunday and the thiti is amavashya and the nakshatra is anuradha

Moon will be in Scorpio

It is not a perfect day to start new things

It is a good day to relax and getting massages

It is a good day to talk serious matters in the home

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

30th of November 2024... Saturday and the thiti is charthurdashi and the nakshatra is vishaka

Moon will be in Scorpio

Mercury will go under horizone so this is not good for virgo and gemini people-more communication problems and maybe in Indian or Austrian or American parlament more problems will come

My friends have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

29th of November 2024… Friday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is swati

Moon will be in Libra

It is a good day to for marriage and new relationship as well

It is a good day for cleaning the house

It is a good day for making new kitchen as well

My friends I wish you a beautiful day much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

28th of November 2024… Thursday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is chitra

Moon will be in Libra

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for marriage and engagement and for starting new relationship

My friends I wish you a joyful time much love take care

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

27th of November 2024… Wednesday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is chitra

Moon will be in Virgo

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day to buy new garden stuff and buy new vegetables etc

My friends have a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

26th of November 2024… Tuesday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is hasta

Moon will be in Virgo

Mercury will be retrograde

So Virgo and Gemini people can face some health issues

My friends enjoy the time much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar

25th of November 2024… Monday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni

Moon is in virgo

Sorry for delay

24th of November 2024... Sunday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is purva phalguni

Moon will be in leo

It is a good day to start new things

It is a very good day for court work

My friends I wish you a lovely time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

23rd of November 2024... Saturday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is magha

Moon will be in leo

It is Barav aastmi- he was born that day to protect Durg and all Goddesses- if you worship this daay Barac it can clean satrun energy very strongly

My friends I wish you a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

22nd of November 2024... Friday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is ashlesha

Moon will be in cancer

It is a good day for beauty and for buying beauty stuff as well.

It is a good day to get beauty face treatments.

My friends I wish you a beautiful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

21st of November 2024... Thursday and the thiti is saarsti and nakshatra is pushya

Moon will be in cancer

It is a very good day to start new medicines especeilly for taking new medicines for hormons

It is a very good day for practising tantra and for doing ceremonies

My friends enjoy the time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

20th of November 2024... Wednesday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is purnavasu

Moon will be in cancer

It is a good day to conceive male child

It is a good day for engagement and marriage

My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

19th of November 2024... Tuesday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is adraa

Moon will be in Gemini

It is angard charthurti- it is a good day to do fire work at home like making new electricity etc at home

My friends have a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

18th of November 2024... Monday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is mrigashira

Moon will be in Gemini

It is a good day to start new things and for engagement

It is a good day to start new relationship as well

My friends I wish you a great time full of love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

17th of November 2024… Sunday and the thiti is dwitya and the nakshatra is rohini

Moon will be in Taurus

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day for engagement

My friends I wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

16th of November 2024… Saturday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is krittika

Moon will be in taurus

Sun is coming in Scorpio sign

Slowly cold is starting

It is a good day for enjoyment and for eating good fresh food

My friends I wish you a joyful time much love Prateek

15th of November 2024... Friday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshatra is bharni

Moon will be in taurus

It is very strong fullmoon

And Saturn will be direct so some peace is possible and many changes will happen

My friends I wish you a wonderful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

14th of November 2024... Thursday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is ashwani

Moon will be in Aries

It is a good day to worship of Vishnu- it is vacunt charthurdashi- people keep fasting for Vishnu

My friends have a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwa India

13th of November 2024...Wednesday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is revati

Moon will be in Aries

It is a good day for wedding, marriages and engagement

People who don't have daughter can marry a Tulsi tree to feel like this is my daughter and ask for blessings

My friends I wish you a great time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

12th of November 2024... Tuesday and the thiti is ekadashi and the naksthatra is purva and uttara padhrapadha

Moon will be in Pisces

Lord Vishnu is rising again so all good Muhurtas are coming, season for weddings etc is starting.

It is a good day for wedding as well

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

11th of November 2024… Monday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is sadbisha

Moon will be in Pisces

It is a great day to start new things and for shopping as well

My friends I wish you a lovely day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

10th of November 2024… Sunday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is danistha

Moon will be in Aquarius

It is a very good day to start new things

My friends enjoy the day

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

9th of November 2024... Saturday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is shravan

Moon will be in Aquarius

It is a good day to give food to cows and cows children.

My friends have a nice time much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

8th of November 2024... Friday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is uttara ashadha

Moon will be in capricorn

It is a good day for starting new things and for creativitiy

Sorry for the delay but I had some problems with Web:(

I wish you a wonderful day much love Prateek

From mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

7th of November 2024

6th of November 2024… Wednesday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is mula

Moon will be in saggitarius

Venus will come in saggitarius too

It is a good combination for Aries and Aquarius people

It is a good day to start new things

And for Jain people it is a good day to worship on Mahavir

My friends enjoy the time much love

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

5th of November 2024… Tuesday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is jyestha

Moon will be in saggitarius

It is not a good day to start new things

My friends have a nice day

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

4th of November 2024… Monday and the thiti is tritya and the nakshatra is anuradha

Moon will be in Scorpio

It is a good day for doing new things and it is a good day for new shopping too

My friends I wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

3rd of November 2024… Sunday and the thiti is dwitya and the nakshatra is anuradha

Moon will be in Scorpio

It is the festival for brothers and sisters

Brother promise to take care of sister and sister give red powder on the forehead of brother for good long life

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for engagement

My friends I wish you a wonderful day with your families and enjoy the festival

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

2nd of November 2024… Saturday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is vishaka

It is the day for Krishna and people offer Krishna lots of different kind of food

It is a good day to worship of Krishna

My friends have a nice day much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri

Prateek Mishrapuri was born in Haridwar near the Himalayas in North India. Right now he is also living there and he is working in Rishikesh near by Haridwar.

Prateek was born in an old Brahman family where the studying and teaching of Vedic Astrology and Yoga has its tradition over the last thirty generations.

What is Yoga?

The ancient Yogis had a profound understanding of man's essential nature and of what he/she needs in order to live in harmony with himself/herself and his/her environment.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology, called Jyotish is the traditional astrological

system of India.

Its origins root in Vedic culture and date back to approximately

3000 years before Christ.

The system is based on the Vedas being the first scriptures of India.

It is an ancient science which is timeless and universal.


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