advice for the day 2022

23rd of March 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is anuradha

Moon will be in scorpio

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for opening the heart chakra

It is the perfect day for new relationship or keep relationship stronger

My friends I wish you a lovely day full of love and joy take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

22nd of March 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is vishaka

Moon will be in scorpio

It is rang panchmi so it is a good day to make more happyness and more beauty in your life, for example you are very down, your are depressed so it is a good day to start new, to be more positive and happy again. It is a good day to enjoy life and to be grateful and happy

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

21st of March 2022… Monday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is swati

Moon will be in libra

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for electric work and for painting at home

It is a good day for computer work.

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

20th of March 2022… Sunday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is chitra

Moon will be in libra after 11:00am Indian time

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for strong work and for getting massages

It is a good day for mountaining

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

19th of March 2022… Saturday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is hasta

Moon will be in virgo

It is not a good day for starting new things but it is a good day for relaxing and for cleaning negative energies.

My friends I wish you a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

18th of March 2022… Friday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni

Moon will be in virgo

It is the day we celebrate Holi so enjoy the festival with all bright colours.

I wish you a wonderful happy Holi festival take care much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

17th of March 2022… Thursday and the thiti is charthurdashi and the nakshatra is purva phalguni

Moon will be in leo

It is the night where we make fire for Holi

And you can put a flag outside of your home

My friends I wish you a great Holi night may the fire will burn all negativity and light up everyone

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

16th of March 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is maagha

Moon will be in leo

It is a good day for getting energy for light body

It is a good day for chanting mantras

My friends I wish you a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

15th of March 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is ashlesha

It is a good day for chanting mantras

It is a good day to work on your telepathy power

It is a good day for Shiva and Parvarti pooja

It is a good day for meditation

My friends I wish you a lightful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

14th of March 2022… Monday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshara is pushya

Moon will be in cancer

It is a good day for tantric practise and for getting healing power

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

13th of March 2022… Sunday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is purnavasu

Moon will be in gemini and after in cancer

It is a good day for tantric practise and for chanting Kali mantra

My friends I wish you a nice day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

12th of March 2022… Saturday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is adraa

Moon will be in gemini

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day to check your own power

It is a good day to chant mantras during pranayama

My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

11th of March 2022… Friday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is mrigashira

Moon will be in gemini

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day for chanting mantras

It is a good day for worshipping the tantric structure of Shiva and Parvarti

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

10th of March 2022…Thursday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is rohini

Moon will be in taurus

The coming 8 das will be little bit harder and in India we try to stay at home these days, mainly children and pregnant women stay at home because these 8 days very strange energy will be around and lots of evil eyes will be there so take care of it and clean this energy.

It is a good time for chanting mantras and for cleaning the energy

My friends I wish you a wonderful day full of love take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

9th of March 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is krittika

Moon will be in taurus

It is a great day for creative stuff- whatever you like it you can do it

It is a good day to solve communication problems.

My friends I wish you a nice day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

8th of March 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is is saarsti and the nakshatra is krittika

Moon will be in aries

It is a good day for energy work and learn healing work

It is a good day for chanting mantras and for any kind of energy work

My friends I wish you a great time full of love and grace take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

7th of March 2022… Monday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is bharni

Moon will be in aries

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for buying furniture and wodden stuff

My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

6th of March 2022… Sunday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is ashwani

Moon will be in aries

Mercury will be in aquarius

It is a good day for aquarius, gemini and libra people- some positive things can happen

My friends I wish you a wonderful day full of love take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

5th of March 2022… Saturday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is revati

Moon will be in pisces

It is a good day to start new things

It is not so easy day for world energy because still some strange energies are around world- lets pray for world

My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

4th of March 2022… Friday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is uttara padhrapadha

It is the day when Shiva and Parvarti got married so it is a great day for marriages

it is a good time for Shiva and Parvarti pooja

My friends I wish you a lovely time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

3rd of March 2022… Thursday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is purva padhrapadha

Moon will be in pisces

It is a good day for resting and self care

My friends have a nice relaxing time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

2nd of March 2022…. Wednesday and the thiti is amavashya and the nakshatra is sadbisha

It is not an easy day for the world enregy, lots of negative energies around the world so better we will pray for peace, love and light

Much love to all of you take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

1st of March 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is charturdashi and the nakshatra is danistha

Moon will be in aquarius

It is Shivaartri so it is a good day for fasting all day an dfor making Shiva pooja all night. You can worship of Shiva and Shiva lingam all night long. to get his divine blessings

OM NAMAH SHIVAYA all the best for everyone much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

28th of February 2022… Monday and the thiti is triodashi because this time dwadashi will not come

and the nakshatra is uttara ashadha and shravan

Moon will be in capricorn

It is a good day for bathing in Ganga

It is a good day for moon pooja.

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

Form Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

27th of February 2022… Sunday and the thiti is ekadahsi and the nakshatra is purva ashadha

This day Venus will come in capricorn sign which is very good because it will bring some peaceful energy. Especielly it will be beneficial for the Saturn and Mars combination. So some peace is possible.

It is not a good day for starting new things

My friends I wish you a wonderful day full of love and peace take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

26th of February 2022… Saturday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is mula

Moon will be in saggitarius

Mars will be in capricorn sign and Mars and Saturn will be together so it is a not an easy time for Western countries , some problems like war etc can happen that time

I wish you a great day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

25th of February 2022… Friday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is yjestha

It is a good day for starting new htings

It is a good day for buying stuff for eyes and for getting advice from a eyes doctor or getting some eayes treamtent.

My friends I wish you a wonderful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

24th of February 2022… Thursday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is anuradha

Jupiter will be under horizone in West direction

So from this day no Indian cultural functions, celebrations for example marriages etc. will happen- no new sanskara will happening

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

23rd of February 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is vishaka

Moon will be in scorpio

It is a good day to pray to Vishnu and ask him to fullfill your desires especielly for good family life

My friends I wish you a nice day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

22nd of February 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is swati

Moon will be in libra

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for taking new treatments, medicine if you have joints – back- ancles etc pain

My friends I wish you a good time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

21st of February 2022… Monday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is chitra

Moon will be in libra

Saturn will rise in Eastern direction in capricorn sign so it will be good for capricorn and aquarius people

It is a good day to start new thinking

It is a good day to start new things

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

20th of February 2022… Sunday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is hasta

Moon will be in virgo

It is Ganesha birthday- lots of Indian women keep fasting for their children every charthurthi so it is a great day to keep fasting for children.

My friends I wish you a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

19th of February 2022… Saturday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni

Moon will be in virgo

It is a good day for starting new things

If you have any conflict so it is a good day to clear it

My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

18th of February 2022… Friday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is purva phalguni

It is a beautiful day for all different kinds of creative work.

It is a good day for learning yoga, vastu etc.

My friends I wish you a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Hardiwar India

17th of February 2022… Thursday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is maagha

Moon will be in leo

A new month is starting

It is not a good day to start anything just be at home

My friends I wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Hardiwar India

16th of February 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshatra is ashlesha

It is a good day for bathing in the Ganga

It is a good day for giving donation to brahmins

It is a great day for fullmoon meditation

My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

15th of February 2022…Tuesday and the thiti is charturdashi and the nakshatra is pushya

Moon will be in cancer

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day for working hard

It is a good day for getting massages

If you want to make a wellness, massage center- it is a good day to open it

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

14th of February 2022… Monday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is purnavasu

Moon will be in cancer

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day for Shiva and Parvarti pooja

It is a great day for meditation and work working with people

It is a good time for sea journey if you want

My friends I wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

13th of February 2022… Sunday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is adraa

Moon will be in gemini

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day for travelling

It is a good day for making better relationship with your daugther and sister.

My friends have a nice time full of love and joy take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

12th of February 2022… Saturday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is adraa

Moon will be in gemini

It is a very good day for starting new things

Sun will be in aquarius so more relaxing and better time

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

11th of February 2022… Friday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is mrigashira

Moon will be in taurus

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day to work with people and learn therapy work as well

It is a good day to be in nature and work with nature

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar india

10th of February 2022… Thursday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshtra is rohini

Moon will be in taurus

It is the final day of navaartri so you can finish your fasting and it is a good time to give donation to children

My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

9th of February 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is krittika

Moon will be in taurus

It is a good day for starting new thigns and for making plans for travelling. It is also a good day for new travelling.

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

8th of February 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is bharni

Moon will be in aries

It is a special aastmi for the bees so if you have allergy from bees so you can keep fasting and pray to Goddess that the bite of the bees will not effect you anymore- that you will be free of allergy

My friends i wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

7th of February 2022… Monday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is ashwani

Moon will be in aries

It is a good day for fasting for sun- especielly if you have skin problems so this remedy will be very good for you

My friends have a nice time full of love and joy take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

6th of February 2022… Sunday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is revati

Moon will be in pisces

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for creativity

My friends I wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

5th of February 2022… Saturday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is uttara padhrapadha.

Moon will be in pisces

It is pasant panchmi, it is the birthday of Saraswati Matangi

It is a good day for love relationship

It is the best day for starting anything for example opening a new shop, opening new website, starting new learning and education etc.

My friends I wish you a ebautiful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

4th of February 2022… Friday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is purva padhrapadha

It is a good day for Ganesha pooja

Mercury is going direct again so it is a good day for communication and starting new friendship

My friends I wish you a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

3rd of February 2022… Thursday and the thiti is tritiya because dwitiya is not coming this time and the nakshatra is sadbisha

Moon is again in aquarius

It is a good day to start new things

It is a good day for marriage, engagement, opening new shop etc.

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

2nd of February 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is danistha.

Moon will be in aquarius

for 9 days silent navartri is starting.

All people who want to rise silent energy can do it in these 9 days- it is a good time for making sadana for tantra.

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

1st of February 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is amavashya and the nakshatra is shravan

It is a good day for beng silent – if possible for the whole day if not so at least til you eat food for the first time. It is a great remedy for balancing moon and sun energies.

My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

31st of January 2022… Monday and the thiti is charturdashi and the nakshatra is uttara ashadha

Moon will be in capricorn

It is a good day to remember your ancestors and make pooja for them

It is a good day to make new things in your home like window, painting etc.

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang amde by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

30th of January 2022… Sunday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is purva ashadha

Moon will be in saggitarius

It is a good day to worship of Shiva and Parvarti

It is a good time for marriage, engagement.

It is a good day to write a letter to express your love to your partner

My friends I wish you a nice time full of love take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

29th of January 2022…Saturday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is mula

Moon will be in saggitarius

Venus will go direct again

It is a good day to start new thigns

it is a good day for dancing and music

It is a good day to start with Bhakti or Karma Yoga

It is a good day to work with female partners.

My friends I wish you a wonderful day full of grace and abundance take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

28th of January 2022…Friday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is jyestha

Moon will be in scorpio

It is a good day for fasting for Vishnu

It is a good day to controll the senses and avoid listening gossip and avoid talking gossip as well.

My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

27th of January 2022… Thursday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is vishaka and anuradha

Moon will be in scorpio

It is a good day for starting new things.

It is a good day for new education, for practising Yoga, meditation etc.

It is a good day to learn Astrology.

It is a good day to work with people as well

My friends I wish you a great time with deep studies and own development take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

26th of January 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is naomi because aastmi is not coming this time and the nakshatra is swaati

Moon will be in libra

It is Indian day of Republic

It is a good day for enjoying the time and for working with people.

My friends I wish you a joyful time full of love, joy, fun take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

25th of January 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is chitra

Moon will be in libra

It is a good day for writing letters to friends and brothers to clear things

It is a good day to start new court cases

My friends I wish you a lovely time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

24th of January 2022… Monday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is hasta

Moon will be in virgo

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day for dancing and work with music

It is a good day for travelling

My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

23rd of January 2022…. Sunday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni

Moon will be in virgo

It is a good day to start new things

It is the birthday of Rishi Gautam who did agriculture for first time – he said it is good to be vegetarian.

My friends I wish you a wonderful day full of love and joy take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

22nd of January 2022… Saturday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is purva phalguni

Moon will be in virgo after 16:00pm Indian time

It is not a good day for starting new things but it is a good day for making sweets especielly sweets with sesame

It is also a good day for taking massage with sesame oil

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

21st of January 2022…Friday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is maagha

Moon will be in leo

It is the day when Shiva cut the head of Ganesha and when he put the head of an Elephant on him, so it is a good day wo worhsip of Ganesha especielly mothers can pray for their children to Ganesha- for having good life for them

My friends I wish you a nice time full of joy and love take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

20th of January 2022….Thursday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is ashlesha again

Moon will be in leo

It is a good day for starting new things

It is a good day for new studies and for working with people

It is a good day for engagement as well

My friends I wish you a lovely time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

19th of January 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is ashlesha

Moon will be in cancer

It is a good day for starting new things

Saturn will be under horizone so it will not be easy for capricorn and aquarius people.

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

Form Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

18th of January 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is pushya.

Moon will be in cancer

It is not a good day for starting new things but it is a good day for work with fire and doing fire proofing

It is a good day for buying diesel, petrol, oil, gas etc.

My friends I wish you a beautiful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

17th of January 2022… Monday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshatra is purnavasu

Moon will be in gemini again

Chana Dhal is yellow and Chana means chickpeas. You can find it a lot in Indian cuisine. Mainly for Pitta and Vata typs but in little quantity every typ can eat it, use some good spices for good digestion.

My friends I wish you a lovely day full of grace, joy and love take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

16th of January 2022… Sunday and the thiti is charturdashi and the nakshatra is adraa.

Moon will be in gemini

Mustard oil is very common here in India and we use it a lot for cooking. It is little bit spicy and we use it for many things for example for chutneys and pickles and many more. In Ayurveda , therapists using it for Abhanyga etc.

My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

15th of January 2022… Saturday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is mrigashira

Moon will be in gemini

For making Dhal it is important to soak it before cooking otherwise it is not so digestable, and according my point of view, according my taste -dhal should be more liquid but this is everybody’s own choice, but remember to soak it and wash it before you prepare it and use some good spices, then real Indian taste is coming…mjam mjam mjam

My friends I wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

14th of January 2022… Friday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is rohini.

Moon will be in taurus

It is not a good time for doing new things

My friends I wish you a good day full of love take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

13th of January 2022… Thursday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is krittika

Moon will be in taurus

On 16th of January mars will come in saggitarius sign so it will be beneficial for aries, scorpio, saggitarius and leo people.

My friends I wish you a great time full of love and joy take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

12th of January 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is bharni

Moon will be in aries again

On 14th of January sun will come in capricorn sign so it is a special time to bath in Ganga

My friends I wish you a lightful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

11th of January 2022…Tuesday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is ashwani

Moon will be in aries.

Since 5th of January venus is under horizone and retrograde. On 12th of January venus will rise in Eastern side again.

My friends have a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

10th of January 2022… Monday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is revati again

Moon will be in aries

It is a good time for doing meditation, reading good books and being more busy with yourself…doing more practise and increasing your own knowledge.

My friends enjoy your time with reading a knowledgeful good book, I like it a lot, take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

9th of January 2022… Sunday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is revati

Moon will be in pisces again

You can try do recharge yourself by a nice walk in nature, forrest. You can simple walk or if you like you can do some pranayama breathing exercises as well…being in nature, forrest is totally recharging your energy and taking away all negative influences. So try to do it daily if possible.

My friends I wish you a beautiful day full of love and grace take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

8th of January 2022… Saturday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is uttara padhrapadha.

Moon will be in pisces.

As you know these days are not good for starting new things.

It is a good time for relaxing, you can take a great Ayurvedic massage or if not possible you can oil yourself, for example with coconut oil or some good smelling oil for moisturishing your body, mind and soul…it is deep relaxation.

My friends I wish you a peaceful day take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

7th of January 2022… Friday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is purva padhrapadha.

Moon will be in aquarius

In Ayurveda we have Gandhusa, it is mouth wash with oil- take 2 teaspoon of sesame oil or any other specific mouth wash oil and keep it in your mouth- move it here and there for near about 2 minutes and after that take it out but not spit it in the sink, spit in some cottan and throw it away. Gandusha is very beneficial for the whole mouth area and protects you from bacterias, virus, parasits etc… it cleans whole mouth area.

My friends I wish you a wonderful day full of love and joy take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

6th of January 2022… Thursday and the thiti is charturthi and the nakshatra is sadbisha

Moon will be in aquarius

If you have time, whenever you fell it, you can do yourself some cleaning of your home with incense like loban-frank incense or white sage or myrrh or with any fragrance you like it.

My friends I wish you a peaceful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

5th of January 2022…Wednesday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is shravan and danistah

Moon will be in capricorn

As I mentioned already several times oiling the body is very beneficial and reducing stress as well. You can use simply coconut or sesame oil or even olive oil and than oil your body and keep it and after some time you can take shower. For using the head, hair you can use amla oil, brahmi oil  or coconut oil as well… it is really givine good result not only for the hair also for your mind, brain.

My friends have a nice time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

4th of January 2022…. Tuesday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is uttara ashadha

Moon will be in capricorn.

The coming days til full moon are not good for doing new things.

My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

3rd of January 2022…Monday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is purva ashadha.

Moon will be in saggitarius

It is not a good day for starting new things

My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

2nd of Janaury 2022… Sunday and the thiti is amavashya and the nakshatra is mula

Moon will be in saggitarius

2022 three main planets will change their signs:

on 29.4.2022 Saturn will come in Aquarius sign so this will be very good for many signs – it will be very good for gemini, aries, aquarius people and for libra and taurus ascendent

On 13.4.2022 Jupiter will come in pisces sign so this will be good for taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virog, scorpio, saggitarius, capricorn, aquarius and pisces, only aries will feel some ups and downs

On 12.4.2022 Rahu will come in aries sign so aries people will feel some problems, taurus people  and cancer people will work hard, gemini people will ahve good time, leo, virgo, capricorn, aquarius and pisces will have good time as well, libra and saggitarius will have some ups and downs.

The whole year will be big changing time in every field- politics, economics, climate, nature etc. so it will be good to worship of Shiva and Hanuman. It is time for transformation and for being more connected and for living love.

I wish you a wonderful year full of love and joy, take care Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India

1st of January 2022…Saturday and the thiti is charturdashi and the nakshatra is jyestha.

Moon will be in saggitarius

HAPPY NEW YEAR my dear friends and all the best for you.

This coming year 2022, there will be 4 eclispe.

1.May 2022 it will be a sun eclipse and you can see it in AMerica, Sout AMerica and Atlantic. It will be a little bit harder time

16.May 2022 it will be a moon eclipse and you cna see it in America, South America and little bit in Europe, again it will not be so easy time becaise moon stands for emotions so more confusion, more aggressiveness can come around the eclipse.

25.10.2022 it will be the 3rd eclipse, it will be a sun eclipse and this time you can see it in many places like Europe, India, Africa, Indian Ocean and West Asia- again not so easy time

And the last eclipse will be in 8th of November 2022, it will be fullmoon and this you can see little bit in India but mainly in South America, Atlantic, Canada and America.

Generally the time around an eclipse is not so easy

2022 will be not so easy because nature will not be happy so more natural disasters can happen.

My friends I wish you a wonderful happy and healthy year 2022 and I m deeply grateful for your support in these difficult period, much love Prateek

From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India