31st of August 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is charthurti and the nakshatra is chutes
Moon will be in libra after 14:00 pm Indian time
It is Ganesha Charthurthi so very good day for worshiping of Ganesha
May all the obstacles will be taken away by the blessings of Ganesha much love Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
30th of August 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is tritya and the nakshatra is hasta
Moon will be in virgo
Brahmins from samveda celebrate this day raksha bandan and all ceremonies…it is the best day for them
My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
29th of August 2022… Monday and the thiti is dwitya and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni
It is good day for starting new things
It is a good day for shopping
It is a good day for traveling
My friends I wish you a happy day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
28th of August 2022…. Sunday and the thiti is pradipadha and the nakshatra is purva phalguni
Moon will be in Leo sign
It is not a good day for starting new things
My friends I wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
27th of August 2022… Saturday and the thiti is amavashya and the nakshatra is maghaa
Moon will be in Leo
This day especially Brahmins going to the jungle and taking the kucha-the gras from it and they use it the whole year
My friends I wish you a good time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
26th of August 2022… Friday and the thiti is charthurdashi and the nakshatra is ashlesha
Moon will be in cancer
It is a very good day for traveling
It is a good day for loving your partner, for expressing your feelings…the love will be deeper and stronger…more connection
My friends enjoy the time with your beloved ones take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
25th of August 2022… Thursday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is pushya
Moon will be in cancer
it is a great day to start new medicine and herbal medicine as well
My friends much love to all enjoy time Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
24th of August 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is purnavasu
Moon will be in cancer
It is a very good day for starting new things
It is a good day for being creative
It is a good day for starting any kind of education
My friends have a nice time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
23rd of August 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is adraa
Moon will be in gemini
It is a very good day for worshipping of Vishnu and for fasting for Vishnu
Avoid eating rice
My friends I wish you a great day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
22nd of August 2022… Monday and the thiti is ekadashi and the nakshatra is mrigashira again
Moon will be in gemini
It is a good day for starting new things
It is a good day for bathing in Ganga of any other holy river
My friends enjoy the time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar Indi
21st of August 2022… Sunday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is mrigashira
Moon will be in gemini after 18:00pm Indian time
It is a very good day for starting new things
It is also a good day for travelling
It is a good day for changes in life
My friends I wish you a great day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
20th of August 2022… Saturday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is rohini
Moon will be in taurus
Mercury is coming in virog sign
It is a good time for virgo and gemini people.
It is a positive time
My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
19th of August 2022… Friday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is krittika
Moon will be in taurus
It is also the birthday of Krishna because 2 days people celebrate- one day in Vrandahwan and one day in Matura
This day you can offer sweets and butter to Krishna
My friends I wish you a joyful day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
18th of August 2022… Thursday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is bharni
Moon will be in aries
It is Krishna birthday so it is a good day for fasting and it is a good day for worshipping of Krishna to get his blessings and love
My friends I wish you a wonderful celebration take care much love Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
17th of August 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is ashwani
Moon will be in aries
Sun will come in leo sign
It is the time for changes
It is a good day for travelling to the East
It is a good day for getting more self confidence especielly for gemini, leo, aries, saggitarius.
My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
16th of August 2022.. Tuesday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is revati
Moon will be in pisces
If young girls who have not started til now their period time, if they can keep fasting this day, this can be good remedy for not having any troubles in mensturation time.
My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
15th of August 2022… Monday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is uttara padhrapadha
Moon will be in pisces
It is Ganesha birthday and Indian independence day- it is a very good day for celebrating this day:) for enjoying time with family and for living the culture and reading about Indian history
My friends I wish you a wonderful celebration and a good day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
14th of August 2022… Sunday and the thiti is tritiya and the nakshatra is purva padhrapadha
Moon will be in aquarius til 16:00
It is a good day for fasting for parvarti
It is a good day to make treatments for skin problems and fasting will be good remedy as well.
My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
13th of August 2022…Saturday and the thiti is dwitiya and the nakshatra is sadbisha
New month is starting
It is not a good day for starting new things because pradipadha is not coming, so better avoid it
My friends enjoy the time all the best Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
12th of August 2022.. Friday and the thiti is purnima and the nakshatra is is danistha
Moon will be in auqarius after 14:00
It is not a good day for starting new things
You can do Raksha Bandan but only early in the morning not later
It is a good day for fasting for the moon, if your moon is not good in your horoscope.
My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
11th of august 2022… Thursday and the thiti is charturdashi and the nakshatra is shravan
Moon will be in capricorn
It is Raksha bandan- it is the festival for brothers and sisters
Brother will promise to take care of the sister all his life and sister will put a special thread on his hand for good healthy life- it is the festival for unconditional love between borthers and sisters:)
And this day Brahmins doing a big pooja, they are waiting the whole year for this- it is a big ceremony for protection and good life.
My friends I wish you a wonderful festivial with lots of wonderful moments in your family, much love to all of you my dear brothers and sisters take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
10th of August 2022… Wednesday and the thiti is triodashi and the nakshatra is purva and uttara ashadha together
Moon will come in saggitarius
Mars will come in taurus sign
Taurus and libra people should avoid fast driving – drive slowly
It is a very good day for starting new things
My friends I wish you a nice time full of love
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
9th of August 2022… Tuesday and the thiti is dwadashi and the nakshatra is mula
Moon will be in saggitarius
It is a fantastic day for starting new things
It is a good day for travelling and for making plans for next trip.
My friends I wish you a wonderful day taek care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
8th of August 2022… Monday and the thiti is ekadashi and the thiti is jyestha
Moon will be in scorpio
It is a very good day for fasting for Vishnu
Avoid eating rice
My friends I wish you a nice time full of love and joy take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
7th of August 2022… Sunday and the thiti is dashmi and the nakshatra is anuradha
Moon will be in scorpio
Venus will come in cancer
It is a good day for cancer people
It is a good day for buying a new house for aries people
It is a good day for doing new work in your life
My friends I wish you a wonderful day take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
6th of August 2022… Saturday and the thiti is naomi and the nakshatra is vishaka
Moon will be in scorpio after 12:00
It is a good day for buying new books, pencils etc.
It is a very good day for starting new things
My friends enjoy the time all the best Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
5th of August 2022… Friday and the thiti is aastmi and the nakshatra is swati
Moon will be in libra
It is a good day for worshipping of Devi, Durga
Especielly if you not finding a woman so you can worship of Durga- she will bring you a woman.
My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
4th of August 2022… Thursday and the thiti is saptami and the nakshatra is chitra
Moon will be in libra
It is a good day for starting new things.
My friends I wish you a joyful time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
3rd of August 2022…Wednesday and the thiti is saarsti and the nakshatra is hasta
Moon will be in virgo
It is a fantastic day for starting enw creative work like painting, writing etc.
It is a good day for communication.
My friends enjoy the time all the best Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
2nd of August 2022.. Tuesday and the thiti is panchmi and the nakshatra is uttara phalguni
Moon will be in virgo
It is the day for worshipping of snakes, especielly if you have problems of snakes in horoscope or if your family is not increasing.
So you can worship of snakes – you can make silver snake and put it on Shiva lingam.
My friends enjoy the time much love Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India
1st of August 2022… Monday and the thiti is charthurthi and the nakshatra is purva phalguni
Moon will be in leo
It is not a good day for starting new things
But it is a good day for buying some clothes or parfume.
My friends I wish you a great time take care Prateek
From Mishrapuri Panchang made by Dr. Prateek Mishrapuri Haridwar India