On 13th of April2021
the Indian New Year will start
The king of the year is Mars and the minister of the year is Mars too and the name of the year
is Rakshas (Devil)
Normally one month has 30 days and the rhythm between waxing and vanning moon is 15
days. But this year from 8th of September til 20th of September there will be
only 13 days so 2 days less. This will be very bad for the World situation for
example for finance, political etc. It will not be an easy time and better to
stay at home that time and avoid travelling. In the time of Mahabarata it also
happened- there was one month with only 13 days.
This year there will be 4 eclipses: · 26.5.moon · 10.6.sun · 19.11.moon · 4.12.sun
The effects of the eclispes will be all over the World.
This year Saturn will move in capricorn sign which is generally good. Jupiter will move
in aquarius sign which is also very beneficial Rahu and ketu
will only move in scorpio and taurus sign
Ketu moves in 8th house so some barriers and health issues and mind unbalance can come between 26.2.-13.4. but after that the rest of the year will be good.
22.10-4.12. will be very good time. Generally some family members can feel problems but all in all a good time Hanuman or
Ganesha pooja can be helpful the whole year
From 17.3.-9.4.2021 will be a good time to get suddenly some money or some good news. May will be a good time for business and money as well. But between 11.8.-5.9. will be not easy period for finance so take care. 30.10.-7.12.21 take care of your health.
And good remedy for the whole year will be helping to animals- give food to them and support them and be nice to animals
Saturn is moving in the 8th house so expenses will be more than income. And some family issues can disturb you. March and April are good months for good energy. June and July will be good for travelling and for getting mental peace and satisfaction
Vishnu pooja is recommandable for the whole year
5.4. til 19.11. will be a good period for contacts with higher people, for spiritual work and
spiritual progress. July and August will be good months for money . Take care in May- some health issues can rise Shiva pooja is recommended for the whole year.
14.4.-14.5. will be a good period for having contacts with other country people and for having good luck- the luck will rise. It is a good year for having contacts with people whome you have not seen for long time.
From June til November will be a good time for relationship. It is a good year for work, yoga and meditation. It is a good time for money and prosperity but there will be expanding too.
It is a good year for giving donation to brahmins and for doing sun pooja and fasting on Sunday.
15.4.-30.4. mercury will be in 8th house so it will not be a good time for health- mind can be disturbed. May and June will be some struggeling time and avoid travelling in this period. But from 7.7 on til November will be a fantastic time for money, travelling, relationship and prosperity.
Fasting on Monday and Shiva pooja can be helpful the whole year
April and May will be good time for name and fame and for getting good energy. But in May some
family issues, some troubles with children can come.
June til November will be good period for business and for good energy.
Try to avoid spending money in August.
October, November and December – the mental peace will be little bit disturbed so try to avoid fighting with the family.
Saturn pooja and Hanuman pooja will be good for the whole year.
April will bring ups and downs for income. And take care –do not drive fast the whole year and take care of your eyes. June and July will not be easy time for heart. August andSeptember will be good period for money.
And Ocotber til December will not be a good time again for health so really do not take risk and do not drive fast.
For the whole year I will suggest Ganesha pooja.
Money will be good but there can be some family issues, some ups and downs in the family. And try to controll the anger and frustration. April til September will be a good period for income and profit.
November and December – avoid spending too much money, better hold it and wait.
Fasting on Thursday is very helpful for the whole year.
It is good period for new plannings and for understanding yourself and your life more deeply and in a new way. There can be some family ups and downs. It is a good time for connection with other countries and for making business with other countries. June and July – some health issues of your partner can appear so keep calm and quiet.
Fasting on Tuesday can be helpful for the whole year.
It is a good time for relationship and for spirituality. It is a good time for new energy and for getting more informations about yourself. There can be some ups and downs in the relationship with your partner. Take care of eyes and health. Between 16.8-15.9 some mental problems can come – it will not be a good time
Shiva pooja is good for the whole year.
It is not a good time for relationship with brothers and sisters. It is a good time for work and income. It is a good time for travelling and for doing new things.
Durga and Goddess pooja is good for the whole year.p